Who Are You Without Them

2 min readMar 22, 2024


Have you ever pondered the curious idea that we might look good together when we’re apart? It’s one of those paradoxes that seem to hold a world of meaning within a few simple words. Let’s dive into it together.

In the grand journey of love, we often find ourselves striving for that elusive state of perfection, where every piece fits seamlessly into the puzzle of our relationships. But what if I told you that perhaps it’s in the moments of separation, the times when we stand alone, that the true beauty of our connection shines through?

a quote written by a typewriter on a black distressed background

It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of flawlessness, isn’t it? We yearn for that picture-perfect romance, where we’re always together, always in sync. Yet, life has a funny way of reminding us that perfection is an illusion. It’s in the imperfections, the quirks, the moments of solitude, that the real magic happens.

When we take a step back and embrace our individuality, our passions, and our dreams, we bring a new energy to our relationships. It’s like tending to the garden of our souls, nurturing our growth so that we can bloom even brighter when we come back together.

But here’s where it gets really interesting: sometimes, being “perfect” for someone means being a little “bad” for them too. It’s not about causing harm, of course, but rather recognizing that growth often requires a bit of discomfort. We may need to follow our paths, even if they diverge from the ones we walk with our partners.

And that’s okay. Because love isn’t about fitting into a mould or ticking off boxes on a checklist. It’s messy, it’s unpredictable, it’s wonderfully chaotic. It’s about embracing the beautiful messiness of human connection and finding beauty in the cracks and crevices.

So, the next time you find yourself apart from your loved one, remember this: it’s not a flaw in your relationship, but rather an opportunity for growth. Embrace the distance, cherish your individuality, and trust that love will bring you back together, stronger and more beautiful than ever.




Engineer by day, Lover of writing and music throughout the day, and Fascinated with self development and psychology at night