Sharing My Writing Gives Me Anxiety

2 min readFeb 23, 2024


In the realm of creative expression, vulnerability is often the price of admission. It’s the tender underbelly of pouring one’s heart and soul into a piece of art, only to present it to the world, open to both praise and critique. The quote, “One of the great teachers of humility is the act of sharing a creation of passion; being vulnerable enough to welcome criticism for something you find perfect,” encapsulates the profound essence of this experience.

To create is to expose oneself to vulnerability willingly. Whether it’s a poem, a painting, a piece of music, or any other form of artistic expression, each creation is a reflection of the creator’s inner world, laid bare for all to see. In this act of sharing, there is a relinquishing of control, a surrender to the unpredictable currents of interpretation and judgment.

What makes this process truly humbling is the realisation that perfection is an elusive ideal. Despite our best efforts, there will always be room for improvement, nuances overlooked, flaws waiting to be discovered. It’s in this recognition of imperfection that the true beauty of creation emerges. It is through our imperfections that we connect with others, bridging the gap between artist and audience in a shared experience of vulnerability and authenticity.

Welcoming criticism, therefore, becomes not an act of defence but an embrace of growth. It takes courage to invite feedback and to expose oneself to the possibility of rejection or disagreement. Yet, it is precisely in this openness that the seeds of improvement are sown. Each critique, each suggestion, becomes a valuable opportunity for reflection and refinement, guiding the evolution of our creative endeavours.

Moreover, the humility cultivated through this process extends far beyond the realm of art. It becomes a life lesson in resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning. It teaches us to approach not only our creative works but also our lives with a spirit of openness and curiosity, recognising that growth is a journey marked by both triumphs and setbacks.

In a world that often celebrates only the polished, the flawless, and the final product, embracing vulnerability in our creative endeavours becomes a radical act of defiance. It challenges us to redefine success not as the absence of criticism but as the willingness to engage with it wholeheartedly. It reminds us that true greatness lies not in perfection but in the courage to share our imperfect selves with the world.

So let us embrace vulnerability as the cornerstone of our creative journey. Let us welcome criticism as a catalyst for growth. And let us remember that it is through our imperfections that we find our truest expression, our deepest connection, and our greatest fulfilment as artists and as human beings.




Engineer by day, Lover of writing and music throughout the day, and Fascinated with self development and psychology at night