A Sign You’re Finally Moving On

3 min readJan 22, 2024


In the depths of loss, time becomes both an ally and a betrayer. It marches on relentlessly, carrying us away from the initial sting of pain, yet sometimes leaving us questioning if we’re truly healing or merely forgetting. The dichotomy between these two states, healing and forgetting, poses a philosophical quandary that often accompanies the journey of grief.

As I traverse the landscape of my sorrow, I find myself pondering the significance of diminishing thoughts about the one I’ve lost. Is it a sign of progress, an indication that I’m slowly but surely healing the wounds carved into my soul? Or is it simply the natural erosion of memory, the fading echoes of a presence once cherished?

In seeking answers, I delve into the realm of psychology, where the concept of closure beckons like a distant beacon in the fog. Defined as the longing for definitive answers in the face of ambiguity, closure seems to offer a semblance of resolution amidst the chaos of loss. But what if the questions remain unspoken, buried beneath layers of grief and uncertainty? Does the absence of inquiries signify closure, or is it merely the silence of acceptance?

The journey through grief is anything but linear; it unfolds in unpredictable waves, each crest carrying its own blend of emotions. There are days when the pain crashes over me with relentless force, dragging me into the depths of despair. And yet, amidst the turmoil, there are moments of fleeting tranquillity, where the ache subsides, if only for a breath.

In these moments of respite, I find solace in the realization that healing is not a destination but a journey — an ongoing process of reconciliation and renewal. It is the courage to confront our pain, the willingness to embrace vulnerability, and the resilience to rise again after each fall. And perhaps, in the ebb and flow of time, healing becomes not an erasure of the past but a transformation — a gentle evolution of the heart.

But what of forgetting? Is it merely a byproduct of time’s passage, a fading memory rendered obsolete by the ceaseless march of days? Or is it a coping mechanism, a subconscious defence against the overwhelming weight of loss? In grappling with these questions, I am reminded of the delicate balance between remembrance and release — the paradoxical dance of holding on and letting go.

Ultimately, I realize that healing and forgetting are not mutually exclusive but intertwined facets of the human experience. In the tapestry of grief, they converge and diverge, intertwining threads of sorrow and resilience. And though the journey may be arduous, fraught with uncertainty and doubt, there is beauty in the unravelling — a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.

As I navigate the complexities of loss, I am reminded that healing is not a linear progression but a mosaic of moments — a kaleidoscope of emotions, each fragment contributing to the ever-evolving narrative of my grief. And though the road ahead may be fraught with obstacles, I walk it with courage, knowing that with each step, I am one step closer to finding peace.

In the end, perhaps healing is not about reaching a destination but embracing the journey — the messy, beautiful, heartbreaking journey of being human. And though the scars may linger, they serve as a testament to the depth of our capacity to love, to endure, and to heal.




Engineer by day, Lover of writing and music throughout the day, and Fascinated with self development and psychology at night